Hey there, peoples of the blogosphere!  I wanted to dash off a quick post today about two extremely awesome things: independent films and the people who make them.

Back in December, I had the pleasure of being invited to a Christmas party, and among the other guests was a friend of mine and an very talented individual, Benjamin Dawson.  Now, besides being a composer and a fine musician, Benjamin has directed a handful of short films, culminating in what is to date his biggest project, a film called My Dear Ralph.

I happen to have it on DVD, but what I did not know until our conversation that evening was that it had in fact been posted on Vimeo.  So, naturally I had to share it with you all!

I admire My Dear Ralph for a number of reasons: a) yes, a good many people I know personally were involved in its making; b) it’s a wonderful, well-made adaptation of a wonderful story by O. Henry; c) it’s a testament to the fact that one needn’t have 50 million dollars to make a fine film with good cinematography that tells a story worth hearing.  Plus, it’s an accomplishment.  A heck of a lot of work goes into making a film.

So, without further ado, here is My Dear Ralph.  Enjoy.

AND SIT THROUGH THE CREDITS, PEOPLE.  It’s a gesture of respect to everyone involved in its making.  😉


My Dear Ralph

6 thoughts on “My Dear Ralph

  1. Yea u are right, that was a production. credits show a ton of work indeed.

    Music score was cool,

    And always a good thing when “God is for us…’

    tkx for posting

    Liked by 1 person

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